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Policies and Procedures

The current class fee is $115 every four weeks for 1 class per week. Tuition for classes at GOOVE at Creation Station Studio City is ongoing and will be based on 4-week pay periods. Any classes started in the middle of a pay period will be pro-rated. Multiple classes and/or students within a family will be discounted according to the fee schedule outlined in the policies and procedures and will automatically be calculated and reflected in your balance.

1.         MISSED CLASSES – Absences are the responsibility of the parent. Missed classes will not be credited or refunded. In order to accommodate absences we allow for make-up classes as explained below.

2.         MAKE-UPS – Missed classes may be made up in any age appropriate class on the schedule as long as the child’s enrollment remains active. Make-ups are not transferable to other students.  You must call ahead to schedule your make-up!  If you cannot attend a scheduled make-up, and do not cancel 24 hours prior, it will be counted as one anyway.

3.         ENROLLMENT – Enrollment in class is not guaranteed until registration is completed and payment is made. Enrollment fees are non-refundable unless a class is canceled by Creation Station Studio City, in which case, any remaining payment will be credited toward a new class or refunded.  If you try our classes in the middle of a pay cycle and wish to continue with us we will pro-rate your enrollment.

4.         TERMINATING ENROLLMENT – If you would like to stop taking classes at Creation Station Studio City, you must give us 4 weeks notice. 4 weeks from receipt of notice your payments will stop and student will be finished with class.


      • 2nd Student or Class – $100 the 2nd child/class.
      • 3rd Student or Class – $90 for the 3rd child/class.
      • 4th Student or Class – $80 for the 4th child/class.
      • 5th Student or Class and beyond – $70 for the 5th child/class and beyond.


6.         ILLNESS – For the well being of all of our students, please do not bring a child to class with any kind of runny nose or cough – If we feel that a child may be sick, we will ask that you take them home for the day and schedule a make-up.

7.        PRIVACY POLICY – This policy explains our information practices and the way that Creation Station Studio City collects and uses your information. This Privacy Policy covers the information you provide to us offline and at our Creation Station Studio City web site. The privacy of your personal information is very important to Creation Station Studio City. We will not sell, rent or trade your personal information to any third party. We will take special care to protect the privacy and security of your information.

8.        IMAGE RELEASE – on occasion video and still images will be captured by an authorized representative of Goody Tutus, Inc. Participation in classes or any studio sponsored event shall constitute consent for Goody Tutus to use images in any
form of media throughout the world in perpetuity for the sole purpose of publicity for Goody Tutus, Inc and it’s affiliates. No images may be sold to or used by or for any other media outlet with out the express written permission of the subjects of
the images.

9.        MEDICAL CONSENT & RELEASE OF LIABILITY – In case of emergency, I authorize the staff of Creation Station Studio City to obtain medical treatment deemed necessary for the welfare of my child. I further agree that I will be financially responsible
for all charges and fees incurred in the rendering of said emergency treatment. I understand that there are specific risks  of physical or property damages, losses, illness or injury that may result from my or my child’s participation in activities at Creation Station Studio City, and I voluntarily assume the risks associated with such participation. I release GOODY TUTUS, Inc. from any and all liability for injuries and illness that may be incurred by my child during the activities sponsored by CREATION STATION STUDIO CITY.
